Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thank You...

Today, I want to say 'Thank You' to my precious kiddos. As of late, I've been suffering from a monstrous case of writer's block. Blog posts have eluded me, poems have escaped me, and musings have ceased.

My sweet sources of artistic expression have been unusually quiet the last several days. They've been engaging themselves in normal childish activity, far removed from their more outlandish comings and goings that would be of note on this little ole' blog (well, except for a minor incident involving dog poo). But, today, they've livened things up a little. Today, our household returned to normal (okay, normal for the Jackson's).

In preparation for the arrival of family, I feverishly began the process of tidying our home, to give off the impression that we never live amongst clutter, toys are in their proper place and surfaces are always dust-free. My sweet ones must have sensed an imbalance in the home atmosphere and chose to follow behind me and return items to their 'usual' place.

Yes, as I worked diligently in the dining room, the little Miss was hard at work in their shared bedroom:

And while I worked hard to return order to my little one's room, the little Mr. decided things weren't quite as they should be in the dining room...

Mr. Potato head and all his appendages made their way to their usual spot under the dining room table...

What? You don't keep a foam sword, canvas bag, Thomas backpack and a spare hoodie on your kitchen floor?

Thank you my sweet ones. This is just what I needed to bring clarity to my foggy brain and get back to blogging. This activity of 'undoing' is what we mom's all lament over but seems more like an urban legend as we rarely have proof.


Unknown said...

Oh Nikki, I feel so much better...I just about had a meltdown picking up stuff today.Of course my culprits are ages 8,11 and 41 bu still.....Thankyou for your perspective . I needed it today. :)

Nikki said...

Ha ha...glad I'm not the only one Linda!