I've been eating a lot of humble pie lately. Hot. Cold. Lukewarm. When the little Mr. serves it, I eat it. He has been the eyes and ears of justice in our household. He may seem to be innocently playing during my phone conversations...but, really he's gathering evidence for his case to bring up later at dinner. Oh, and that little incident at the grocery store? Yeah, he'll make sure to report on that too. Losing my temper...he reminds me that I'm to be patient. Car rides? Oh yes...Big Brother is always watching and listening.
So, it shouldn't come as any surprise that this information would not stay in our household. I mean, what's the point of being the eyes and ears of justice if you're not informing the masses? And by masses I mean "Share Time" at preschool. Nothing is off limits. And so far, he's not running out of material...dang it.
Ethan's teacher, Miss M., has commented on numerous occasions that everyone loves his stories, and even hinted that he shares a lot...great.
Fast forward to this week. I had e-mailed his teacher to discuss an earlier issue (it involved some bean bag diving while the other students sat quietly at their tables...). She informed me that he's a great student, fun, cooperative, sweet, imaginative, kind, and a fast learner (yes...I was glowing). So, basically all was well, and I felt like we were super-awesome parents raising our son and making an impact. Oh, I made an impact.
She signed off the e-mail with a 'p.s', and wanted to share with me a story Ethan told during Share Time, that she was sure I would appreciate and find "funny." Oh, no...Lord please help me.
E stood his little self up in front of the class and told this story:
"This morning my mommy said we were in a big hurry cause' we were gonna be late. When we were in the car mommy yelled at the lady in front of us and said, 'Hurry up and make your turn lady! This isn't a parking lot!' I told her that being inpatient was a no-no and she should say I'm sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me."
In my defense, I mumbled for her to hurry up, I didn't yell...but, I DID have a bad attitude, and the little Mr. heard me. Did I find it funny? Well, somewhat, but really I was convicted. Not my finest moment. Even worse is that patience and kindness has been a huge subject in the Jackson household, and mom was the biggest offender yet. This incident was such a reminder that while I was worried he would pick up a few bad habits at school, he's probably picking up a few at home as well. I don't remember where I read/heard this statement, but I've really been thinking about it a lot recently, "Your children are like a mirror...they reflect you." I so wish that on that day I would have been showing grace, mercy, kindness and self-control, not just because someone was watching, but because that's the heart attidtude I should have had.
good story -- enlightening insight about our little ones and their growing awareness. who knew they would teach us so much? have a good week.
Thank you ;) I'm hoping I've learned my lesson! Ha Ha!
Isn't it funny when such a little person is such an adult! Gotta love him :)
lol, that story is hilarious. i don't even want to know the stories my kids say about me...
Jamee...he keeps us on our toes!
Emily...you're like the coolest mom ever! If anything your kids are saying what a rockstar you are!
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