Thursday, March 31, 2011
Embracing The Camera Jackson Style...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder...
B and I have had a lot of doors open and close over the last couple of weeks, so we have been in deep prayer, searching the word and reflecting (sometimes even speculating) on what GOD may have in store. We don't have answers, but there is a peace in the waiting. We've transitioned from, "Lord, please provide!" to "Lord, you have shown us your provision and now, let us be filled by every word from your word."
I wrote more about it Here on the FaithBlogs site. Sorry, if that seems like a shameless's really not...I just want to share what HE is doing. He's merciful friends. I pray each of you experience the width, depth and vastness of His mighty love for you.
I'm not going to insult you by pretending that each of you are not, in some way, experiencing a struggle deeper than mine. But as my best friend Sarah and I say to each other...pain is pain. Struggles are still struggles. They look different for each of us, but the impact at the core of our very soul is still the same.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Let's Go Fly A Kite...

Monday, March 21, 2011
Little Miss Adventures...
I'll tackle the first subject: Crib Adventures...
For the past couple of weeks, we've gone to get the little miss up in the morning, only to find her precariously perched on the crib railing...just sitting there waiting. It freaked us out enough, that B decided he would teach her how to climb out of her crib so there would be no more, 'bird on a wire' moments. Great for deterring roosting, not so great for deterring scaling. So, we were up at all hours of the night because the little miss decided it was time to wake 2am. She came running into the hallway exclaiming, "Pee-Pee" so I took her to the bathroom and then ushered her back to bed. A couple of minutes later she stood in our doorway, "lululuyah?" she wanted me to sing her favorite, I rocked her and sang, then took her back to bed. Two minutes later she was standing in our doorway again, "nak peese!" I told her no snack it was bedtime...then again took her back to bed. Finally, she came yet again, "Hiiiiiiiiiiii!" So, I brought her in bed with us where she chatted, rolled, stood and flipped until she finally gave up and fell asleep between us.
She woke bright and early Saturday morning, but was thankfully in a fairly good mood despite the late night partying. I, on the other hand, was a mess, but decided to make the best of the day. Which, leads us to our second adventure...
Potty Training...
In all honesty, the miss has got it down. She was so easy to train, and has been doing great (although she is not able to stay dry at night...but, she's not even two yet, so that will come). Anyway, she's done really great overall. But, something went awry Saturday afternoon. She suddenly stopped playing and exclaimed, "Ouchie" which is code for, "I have to pee now!" and took off for the bathroom. I got her situated and briefly left the bathroom to get something...which was the wrong thing to do.
All of a sudden I heard her exclaim, "Uh-oh!" Upon entering the bathroom, I was shocked at what she accomplished in the short time I was away. The little miss had managed to finger paint with poo all over herself, the bathroom floor and toilet and was beginning to make little poo footprints. Friends, I was so grossed out, that taking a picture of the crime scene was not even an option (I'm sure you are all breathing a collective sigh of relief). I picked up the little miss (trying to touch as little of her as possible) and placed her in the tub, then turned on the faucet. I began mopping and disinfecting every surface while the little miss played in the tub and supplied commentary of her artistic endeavors, "Veva ucky." "Poo-poo toes." "Uh-oh poo-poo." "Yay! Poo-poo floor." At which point she stood in the tub and pointed to a spot I had missed...thanks, doll. You're a gem.
I got her cleaned up (nearly loosing my lunch in the process), explaining that playing with poo was dirty and yucky. I can't believe I had to tell my daughter not to play with her poo.
Anyway, the rest of the weekend is a bit foggy...I think she finally wore herself out, as she's been sleeping much better, and all bathroom ventures have been stricly supervised. I think my brain is a bit traumatized....
Friday, March 18, 2011
Spring Cleaning...
Thursday, March 17, 2011
This Is Where He Plays...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Slide Adventures...
Today was a gorgeous day in the Midwest. When I saw that bright yellow orb in the sky and felt the warmth, I knew I couldn't continue sitting in the pile of kleenex that took up residence all around me. Yep...I traded last weeks virus for this weeks sinus infection...but that wasn't going to keep this girl down.
So, this afternoon, B and I piled the kiddos in the car and took ourselves to a park to run, let the sun shine on our pasty faces, and feel the breeze. On the way to the park the little Mr. piped up from the backseat:
" you like slides?" "Yes, I do." "Did you like them when you were little?" I was wondering where we were going with this. "Yes, I liked them when I was little." "How about when you were eight, nine, or ten?" "Yep, I liked them then too." "Then, what color were they?" Ummmm...that was a lot of years ago, and I began wondering how to answer this, and why it was important.
As I was quickly trying to come up with a color, I suddenly remembered the one bad slide experience I'd had. I was about eight years old and I was climbing up this twisting metal slide when all of a sudden a kid came barreling down the slide, knocked me over and I landed face first on the metal, knocking my two front teeth loose. Dirt and tears were streaming down my face as I ran to find my mom. I remember she picked me up and carried me to the car, and then everything was a bit fuzzy after that. I remember popsicles to ease the pain...confirmations from many adults that the teeth were saved, and my fear of large slides for a very long time. The little Mr. piped up again, "Mommy...what color was it?"
"It was actually metal was a big, twisty, metal slide." He was quiet a bit and then he said matter-of-factly, "Oh, that sounds old and not very fun." I instinctively touched my tongue to the back of my teeth and replied,"Actually buddy, it was really fun...they don't make slides like those anymore." "Because they're super-old?" "Yeah...because they're super-old."
Monday, March 14, 2011
B Cleaned House...
I shamefully admit I don't know my way around Photoshop...I can crop...that's about it. But, B is like a Photoshop wizard. He's like the Bruce Lee of Photoshop. He was all clicking here, clicking there, and typing commands as fast as his fingers could fly. I contributed by standing over his shoulder and painting my nails...
Any way, all that to say I'm going to post the recipe for the chocolate lava cake...because that's all I can bring to the table. Sorry, I don't have a picture..we ate it too quickly while celebrating B's awesomeness.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Burt Reynolds Has Competition...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Just Wait...
Oh, how I understand their growing restlessness, and yet, the Lord still makes his firm request plain to me, "wait." No explanation. No reasoning. Just, wait.
If patience is a virtue, then I am sorely lacking. A short time after we were married, B said that the Lord never requested him to wait patiently until he married me. He made it clear that I should stop wrestling with the Lord over patience so he would no longer be the casualty of our struggle. Fair enough. Unfortunately for him...he's along for the ride.
Last night, I wrestled through prayer, "Lord, I know I am learning during this is it time? Have I fulfilled what you've asked of me? Is it finished?" And like a child I whined, "Are we there yet?" And while it may not have been audible, the words, "not yet" settled over me...and then this: "Make My ways your ways. Make My thoughts yours. Desire Me above all else. I will direct your path."
When I'm met with the obstacle of waiting, I soon realize I cannot wrap a neat little bow around my circumstance and shelve it. I'm forced to turn to God and lean on Him for understanding until His time and purpose is fulfilled.
Herein lies the difficult part of walking out my faith in Him. He doesn't force or make demands. But, He requests I hand over my boxed up circumstances, and then wait on Him. No doing it myself. No putting it neatly on the shelf my way. It now becomes His. He takes it and promises to give it back when the time is right. He reveals that the gift of waiting is allowing Him to fulfill His perfect His perfect perfect completion.
It's hard to wait. And I don't do it gracefully. I stumble. I complain. But, it's what He continues to ask of me. My resolve, my strength, crumbles in His able hands...and He quietly asks me to keep waiting and draw my strength from Him.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Second Verse, Same As The First...
Well, to distract you from the TMI of my viral symptoms, I thought I'd share a yummy recipe from our foodie weekend. We love good food...but I wouldn't call us 'food-snobs'. Okay, we're a little snobbish, but it's just because we love good food so much.
This weekend, we tried our hand at homemade deep-dish pizza ala Giordano's style. Ever been to Giordano's? Am I crazy for even asking that question? It is hands down the best deep dish in Chicago (in my snobby opinion).
Our homemade version may not be Giordano's, but, it was definitely delicious, and satisfied the craving until we can get back to Chicago.
A couple of key things: You're going to want to do this in a cast iron skillet to achieve that crispy Giordano's- style crust, and you're going to want to make your own sauce and crust. It simply won't be the same if you skip these things...
Just thinking about this pizza is making me feel a little better...just a little. Now I'm going to go put my sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fevering self down for a nap.
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Throw-Ups Are Coming...
It started at 2am when the little Mr. came to our room, got in B's face and exclaimed, "Dad, the throw-ups are coming!" Yeah, we high-tailed him to the bathroom and made it just in time...we had a couple more rounds of that until the little guy finally fell asleep out of pure exhaustion.
We all woke at 7am to discover both kiddos had fevers...thrown into the mix was the little Miss, coughing, sneezing and snotting everywhere.
So, we had a movie day, cuddled on the couch, camped out on the living room floor (barf-proofed everything...I was hoping we wouldn't be following in your kiddos footsteps Have) drank lots of water and juice, and napped...
Saturday, March 5, 2011
An Announcement...
The Jackson '5' has been selected to be a part of Faithblogs. Faithblogs is a growing website started by husband and wife team, Justin and Katie Troup. They started the site with the goal of connecting people who write blogs, who read blogs, who love Jesus! Justin and katie are awesome, and to see them using the growing blogging community to bring honor and glory to God is amazing. They have so many wonderful blogs in their network, so I hope you'll all head over and check them out! Don't forget, you can 'like' them on Facebook, 'follow' their tweets on Twitter, and follow Faithblogs!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Be Who God Made You To Be…
Or, I could have simply said, “Be yourself,” but, being yourself means sometimes I’m selfish, or cranky, or envious…sometimes I whine or get angry needlessly. The person I let myself be doubts my abilities, or sometimes wishes I could be like someone else. Sometimes I criticize my appearance, and sometimes, I don’t put others before myself. Did I mention that I can be negative?
I heard an amazing quote from speaker Staci Mason at church last night: “Who you are should be defined by the Lord you follow.” Isn’t that great? I have to say, that quote totally pierced my heart! Does He define me? Do I give Him that place in my heart? Am I in fellowship with Him?
God wants me to be more like Him and less like…well…the person I often let myself be.
I feel like in raising children, I’ve learned the most about the way in which God desires us to be. We’ve been teaching the little Mr. the concept of ‘put-off/put-on’. It goes something like this:
When the little Mr. is doing something that is say, selfish or rude, we teach him to ‘put-off’ rudeness, and ‘put-on’ patience, kindness and self-control. We follow it with explaining that God desires us to to be kind to one another Ephesians 4:32 and share with him the Biblical truth that God points us to in His word.
In teaching our kids this, I am often sooooooooo convicted. I have realized that God desires so much more from me than I am often willing to give Him. I’ve learned that the person I often let myself be is not who He has created me to be. He created me to be in fellowship with Him. He created me to desire Him. He created me to reflect Him…so what kind of reflection do others see?
For me, Being yourself is more than personality, I’m learning it’s being a person after God’s own heart. A person who is willing to cast aside selfishness and do His will. A person desiring to allow Him to mold my heart and fashion me after Him. Sounds so easy, right?
Matthew 12:4 Out of the overflow of your heart the mouth speaks.
When my heart is more in-tune with God, then my thoughts, the words I speak, and my actions are more like Him.
Looking at the book of Psalms, King David was in heavy pursuit of God. He cried out to Him, leaned on Him for understanding, and praised Him for the character of His goodness. King David was described as, “A man after God’s own heart.” Acts 13:22
King David wasn’t perfect…far from it. He made a lot of mistakes, and even disobeyed a time or two. But, His pursuit of God never waned, and His desire to allow God to mold him was there.
These days, I have a lot to ‘put-off’ in order to ‘put-on’ the character of Christ, striving to be who God made me to be.
What about you? What are you learning/challenged of in your walk with the Lord?
Happy Thursday!